Dear reader,
I have been thinking a lot more about the goal of selling my paintings lately. I have been thinking about how I can learn more about selling my art.
I am beginning to realize that there are a lot of little bits of information out there on the internet about selling one's art or handmade creations. Whenever I see another blog post or website talking about selling one's art I feel like I am chasing rabbits through their rabbit holes. All the information starts to feel like a random assortment all scattered around me.
I am starting to find that reading books helps me a lot more than searching the internet. The reason why is because a book contains so much more information than a single blog post. A book organises the important points that it wants to say into chapters and it goes into much more depth in explaining it's points.
I am thinking about this as I am currently reading a book called "Art Inc." by Lisa Congdon. I am finding it very informative for my current place in making art. I want to find ways to put my art out there more either by finding places to show it or ways to sell it. I was reading another blog post recently and it was talking about how someone often asks artists how they are selling their work. The writer said that more often than not artists were not actually selling their art.
Lisa Congdon's Blog (photo above from Lisa's blog)
Lisa's book can be purchased on Amazon. I am viewing a free copy thanks to a library.
I think at a certain point I am going to have to move beyond reading books and begin talking to people face to face about my art goals. I have never considered myself an expert in the art of conversing - particularly when it comes to asking questions. However, I think I can eventually prepare myself with some questions that I want to ask others about how to continue to develop as an artist.
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