Saturday, November 14, 2015

Signed up for an Art Association - that must mean I'm serious

So, I became a member of an art association today.  That must mean I'm serious about being an artist. Here's my serious face.  Just kidding.  This photo of me was taken a few months ago as a joke.

I already consider myself serious about making art but this is a next step for me.   I joined because they give members opportunities to put their work into art shows.  However, before being able to enter my work in a show it has to pass a jury.  I admire that because if I get in it means it's not just me thinking my work is good enough to show there - somebody else would have to think it's good enough too.  I've had my art work in several art shows before but I've never joined an art association. I've also never had a jury decide whether my art was good enough to show in their gallery.  (I was turned down by several galleries when I was a freshman in college but that's another story.)

The association owns a gallery and the next upcoming show that I would have a chance to enter my work in is in February.  That gives me some time to create work, choose something I would want to show and have it framed.

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